Monday, December 10, 2012

Sending Some Canadian Snow Your Way

What a great day I had today, hanging out in my pyjamas next to a roaring fire with a dear friend, crafting little snowmen.

These little guys are being given to my favorite grocery store cashier.

I LOVE snowmen! Building snowmen is the first thing my kids and I do when it snows. Sewing these little snowmen got me reminiscing about the very cold and snow laden Cariboo winters I grew up in and all the snowmen I built with my brother. My brother and his wife now live in South Carolina. I wonder if he misses snowmen. Just in case he does, I'm sending him a box of Canadian snow (snowman ornaments that is). I made these little snowmen with my youngest son, Mason.

This week, create a set of ornaments that remind you of someone and send them off. You just might make someone's day! Here's hoping my brother and wife could use a little Canadian snow this time of year.

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